正规澳门赌场网络通过与摩洛哥的机构建立了一系列伙伴关系,建立了广泛的全球网络, 西班牙, 冰岛, 和法国. 通过这些协议, we're able to offer exchange programs, 共享资源和教员, and work together on enhancing global experiences at home and abroad.
Institute for American Universities
1月2日,正规澳门赌场网络和美国大学协会(IAU)签署了合作协议, 2020年,为新巴黎大学学生提供在法国南部留学的更多选择. 该独家协议将允许学生在普罗旺斯艾克斯的地中海美国学院获得广泛的教育机会, 马赛附近.
作为协议的一部分, 正规澳门赌场网络的学生将有资格每学期学习18个学分,并有机会参加IAU的早期启动计划, 为期一周的, one credit language and culture orientation.
University of Akureyri and Hólar University College
To build on our commitment to undergraduate and graduate education, research and economic development in the North Atlantic and Arctic regions, UNE forged a partnership with two higher education institutions in 冰岛, the University of Akureyri and Hólar University College.
The agreement opens up opportunities to develop new undergraduate exchanges, 旅游及其他课程, 创新国际硕士学位课程的发展以及新的海洋合作研究和创业. 这种合作关系包括一对一的学生交换:阿库雷里大学或Hólar大学学院将把学生送到正规澳门赌场网络校园,而同样数量的正规澳门赌场网络学生将能够在阿库雷里大学或Hólar大学学院学习. Courses are available in English at both institutions.
University of 冰岛, Reykjavik and Reykjavik University
As part of its commitment to global engagement, 正规澳门赌场网络与冰岛大学和雷克雅未克大学签署了合作协议,这将为北极地区的学术和文化交流开辟新的道路.
两项协议, 3月3日签署, 2020, will enhance the University’s international presence, strengthen students’ global competency and cultural awareness, and open up new opportunities for research and expanded academic programs.
正规澳门赌场网络和冰岛大学已同意通过促进和鼓励学生开展学术合作, 教师, and staff exchanges; the exchange of academic materials; and the development of joint research opportunities.
另外, 与RU签署的协议备忘录(MOA)将鼓励从事研究的学生和教师的交流, 指令, 和研究. The MOA will also allow for other mutually beneficial cooperative ventures, including research and publication, 实习, 专业会议, and the development of linked degree programs.
The University of New England and 阿卡瓦恩大学 in Ifrane (AUI), a leading American-style institution in 摩洛哥 and North Africa, signed an agreement on February 18, 2014年合作开展学术和文化交流,推进高等教育国际化
The agreement between the two universities enables the exchanges of 教师, students and staff that promote innovative academic and cultural experiences. These could include joint research projects; seminars, conferences and workshops; summer programs; blended teaching via information and communications technology (ICT); and community service and service learning opportunities. 在线教育和学生生活是两所院校可以从合作中受益的其他领域. Both university campuses are equipped with state-of-the-art technology, 包括现代实验室, 教室和宿舍, and are easily accessible to major cities such as Rabat, 卡萨布兰卡, 菲斯和梅克内斯. 学生由教师、研究人员和学者授课,他们都是各自领域的顶尖专家.
Abdelmalek Essaadi大学
To strengthen UNE’s presence in 摩洛哥 and the region, UNE's President Ripich and Professor Houdaifa Ameziane, the President of Abdelmalek Essaadi大学, the main public university system in the province of Tangier, 6月22日签署了一项协议, 2012 to explore 教师 exchanges, research collaborations and common projects.
由于地理位置多样,摩洛哥处于文明和语言的十字路口. The main cultures of the Mediterranean basin—from the Phoenician to the Muslim, 阿拉伯人和柏柏尔人, 欧洲人和非洲人在摩洛哥融合,创造了一个丰富多彩的社会, famous for its world-class cuisine, 它的长袍, 还有它那传奇般的热情好客. 一个稳定而成熟的国家, 摩洛哥为研究当今世界面临的一些重大问题提供了一个理想的环境, 比如水资源短缺, 能源的未来, and the tensions between Islam and the West.
9月14日, 2016, the University of New England and the 丹吉尔-亚西拉县, 代表丹吉尔州九个农村社区和三个城市地区的民选机构, 在丹吉尔州议会大厦签署了一项协议,通过联合国大学在丹吉尔的全球教育项目促进该地区的科学和文化发展, 摩洛哥.
The agreement supports scientific, social and athletic endeavors by UNE students studying at the campus in Tangier. 这两个机构还承诺努力改善获得医疗保健和教育的机会, particularly in rural areas of 摩洛哥.
6月21日, 2022, 正规澳门赌场网络与摩洛哥卡萨布兰卡美国学校(CAS)签署了一项招生协议,以促进CAS毕业生到正规澳门赌场网络的招聘. 该协议包括为符合UNE学术标准的学生提供特别的摩洛哥-美国友谊奖学金.
UNE's agreement with the 帕布罗·德·奥拉维德大学 in 西班牙塞维利亚, signed April 20, 2012 by UNE President Dr. Danielle Ripich and UPO President Dr. 胡安·吉米内斯Martínez, 可能是第一个美国.S. 在非英语国家开设以英语为基础的科学实验课程. It allows UNE students to take lab-based courses in organic chemistry, 微生物学, and anatomy and physiology developed to meet the academic standards of UNE's biology, pre-health professions and undergraduate health professions programs.
而在塞维利亚学生也有机会采取une批准的历史课程, 心理学, 业务, 市场营销, 经济学, political science and sociology—all offered in English. 这些课程大多侧重于西班牙语或学科的全球方面. 学生还需要参加学期前两周开始的西班牙语强化课程,并持续整个学期.
4月23日, 2012, UNE's President Ripich visited the 格拉纳达大学, one of the oldest and most prestigious universities in Europe. 她会见了弗朗西斯科·González洛代罗校长,并签署了两所大学的双边合作协议.
该协议最初的重点是探索两所大学药学院之间的机会. 其目标是允许UNE的药学博士学生在格拉纳达参加一些选修课程和临床轮转,并促进研究合作.
The 格拉纳达大学 is an institution of 80,000 students that has top-notch programs in pharmacy, 牙科, 医学, 社会工作和体育科学, as well as a great number of research programs.
The University of New England and 波特兰的迪尔林高中 forged a partnership on January 24, 2013 to make new learning opportunities available to Deering students and 教师.
作为合作的结果, 迪林的学生将能够在正规澳门赌场网络波特兰校区参加国际专家的讲座. 有海外旅行经历的正规澳门赌场网络学生也将与迪林大学的学生分享他们的经历. 正规澳门赌场网络的教师将为迪林学院的员工提供专业发展,主题包括发展全球视野的重要性. 在未来, Deering students may be able to attend some UNE classes for college credit, and may have opportunities to participate in UNE’s international travel programs, including the program based on UNE's newest campus in 丹吉尔、摩洛哥.